Macedonia Brook State Park, Kent, CT
Macedonia Brook State Park is a steady go-to for us when it comes to camping. While many of the other state campgrounds we like tend to book up quickly (I’m looking at you Little Pond and Mongaup Pond), for some crazy reason, we never seem to have a problem finding a last-minute site at Macedonia (we book them all at Reserve America). Perhaps it’s because the site doesn’t have a lake? But what it does offer (along with the normal amenities like a picnic table and fire pit with grill) is a beautiful brook, large and relatively private campsites, lush green grass, and quiet laid back vibes!
Sally (now 2 1/2) is loving camping this year. The creek was great for her to wade in and she even found a handful of amazing frogs. For this trip we bought her a 10-piece bug kit on Amazon that provided hours of entertainment. We also brought a big bubble wand we had, which was great fun on the expansive lawn.
When it comes to picking a site at Macedonia, we often book site 49 or the one next to it because it’s way in the back of the campground and offers a little less car traffic from people loading in and out. Plus in the back, we’ve often have no one camping next to us. That said, last time we camped there, we took a short walk around the campground (there’s a very pretty old road that’s flat and great for hiking with a little one) and found a few other VERY lovely, slightly more wooded sites I’d love to try next time (sites 26 or 27). But really, they all seem pretty great.
The Town of Kent
Believe it or not, we’re not that hard core when it comes to camping. We usually go for just one night and once in a while we don’t even feel like cooking every meal in the woods, and will drive somewhere nearby and go out to dinner or brunch. The town of Kent, Connecticut (only about a 5-10 min drive from the park) is perfect for just that. It’s got a nice little downtown strip, perfect for a meal or just a stroll. Kent is also home to a very elite boarding school that you pass by heading into town (my mind wanders to the world of Dead Poets Society and School Ties (neither of which were filmed at Kent, but you know those New England preppy vibes)). There is also Kent Falls State Park in the area, which we haven’t been to, but apparently there are 17 nice waterfalls there to look at (only 17?). Note to self: check out those waterfalls next time!!!

Elephant Trunk Flea Market
Finally, one of our favorite reasons to go to Macedonia Brook is that you can easily pair it with a trip to our FAVORITE flea market of all time – Elephant’s Trunk! Elephant’s Trunk Flea Market is in New Milford, Connecticut and is an easy 30-minute drive from Macedonia Brook on your way back to the city. We didn’t go on this trip since we got in late Saturday night and weren’t quite ready to pack up early on Sunday to go to the flea, but we usually do when we stay there. If you are wanting to go to a perfect flea market, Elephant’s Trunk has it all! There are tons of vendors, various food trucks, and plenty of good things to buy from mid-century furniture to vintage board games to Star Trek collectibles. We always find something. And unlike many flea markets, the prices there are extremely reasonable (deals, deals, deals!!!)
Elephant Trunk is open on Sundays (April - December) and costs a buck or two to get in. We usually get there on the later side (10-11) and there’s still plenty of goodies, but I can only imagine if you get there early what you may find! (It opens at 7am and vendors tend to start packing up around 1pm.) Here are a few photos from past trips there. (Those kid-sized camping/beach chairs… SCORE!!!)